Monday, 20 September 2010


Hello all (sawasdee in thai), after 2 flights and a taxi ride we have FINALLY arrived in Bangkok. Well, we arrived yesterday morning at around 8am and have slept and ate ever since. Not much more. The flights were alright, we ended up in Mumbai for 2 hours where lots of indian men kept taking photos of us in the airport (started to get a tad annoying). Felt like Lady Gaga from the paparazzi video! Also, our "hotel" is not as it seemed on the website. I mean, for 10quid a night it's what you'd expect really, but the photos on the website lied! Anyway, I will upload some photos asap, if i can find my camera cable that is. I've got a strong feeling I left it at home, which means I won't be able to upload until I get back. Big bummer.

Bangkok is insane. Very very busy, lots of westeners, on Kho San Road people will try and sell you anything, clothes, jewellery, shoes (mum you'd love it), even english university degrees. I could have just got one here! We spent last night in a rooftop bar that had a bloke doing open mike with his guitar. He spent most of the time singing Kings of Leon covers and that kind of thing. Very chilled. Today we slept a lot and now we're going to go to the Chinese embassy and sort out visas before visiting a few temples and booking a bus to take us to the islands tomorrow. It should take about 10 hours but costs nothing so is the best option. Will update again when we get down south.

P.s It's also raining. If it wasn't for the heat I'd think we'd never left the Uk!


  1. Glad to hear things are sort of ok! Is the hotel like Fawlty Towers? How many days before you head to the Isands?

  2. OK so if I had read your Blog properly I'd have seen you are off to islands tomorrow! ENJOY


  3. Make sure you buy plenty of cheap dvd's/albums but check they work before you buy! HAve you tried a REAl Pad Thai with all the spices yet?! tres jealous. x

  4. Sawsadee! good to hear from you! i think I have found your camera cable........
    let me know what time you may be on skype - if you can of course.
    looking at a beautiful nearly full moon here - should be great on thurs. enjoy darlin :0
    luv to anabel
